Texas Life Insurance

Have you reviewed your Life Insurance Lately?

  1. Can you Benefit from Texas Life Insurance policy review?
  2. Why review your life insurance?
  3. How Does it Work?

Life insurance left untouched may no longer be meeting your needs.

>Click here to request a free brochure

The primary purpose of life insurance is to provide a death benefit to your beneficiaries.  However, it can also be designed to meet your changing needs with features such as a flexible death benefit and flexible premiums plus growing cash values.

Annuity Maximization Provide a greater death benefit for heirs using annuity assets.
Business Planning
“Powerful Life Insurance Strategies”
  • Buy-sell
  • Executive Bonus
  • Key person.
College Funding
“Premature death and rising costs of college tuition can be hard on a family.”
Death benefit and financial protection can make life insurance an attractive choice for establishing a self-completing plan to help fund a college education. There are three parts. 1) Should a premature death occur, the life insurance death benefit could be used to complete your college savings goal and help pay for college. 2) Tax-deferred and potentially tax-free income through policy loans to supplement your other saving sources for college. 3) After helping to pay for college, you can reposition the policy and use it to help supplement retirement income while continuing to protect your family with the death benefit.
Estate Planning with Life Insurance 
“Provides the liquidity needed to pay off debts, replace income and more.”
  • Supplement retirement income
  • Reduce estate settlement costs
  • Preserve the value of the estate
  • Make specific bequests
  • Maximize amount to heirs
  • Provide for spouse/children/grandchildren
  • Provide sufficient estate liquidity
  • Protection for businesses
  • Minimize taxes
  • Balance estate
  • Fund education
Legacy Building
“A strategy that can work for you”
Using permanent life insurance to offer death benefit protection along with an efficient way to pass along assets to beneficiaries.
Pension Maximization
“Helping you Capitalize on Your Pension”
Death benefit protection while maximizing your pension benefits.
Retirement Planning with Permanent Life Insurance
“Strategy to Help Individuals and Small Business Owners Succeed”
  • Death benefit protection
  • Supplement your retirement
  • Significant cash value growth
  • Downside protection in poorly performing market
  • Potential for generally tax-free income
Smart Money
“If you desire the potential for cash value growth with limited exposure to cash value loss, index or non-indexed universal life insurance may be your answer.”
Smart money is money you want to control and be able to access during times of need.

  • Immediately leverage a single premium into a larger death benefit
  • Potential to build cash value growth while preserving access to as much cash value as possible

Are you between 50-80 years old with a need for life insurance and have funds that are not meeting current needs?